In a world where style and fashion so often trump substance and longevity, Glen Irani Architects has created an uncompromising repertoire of custom residential and commercial projects while maintaining unique, self-defined values.
For the principal architect, Glen Irani, design grows out of the discovery of and research into it's many intimately related circumstances - the genius loci of the site and culture, the needs and desires that drive human experience, the practical and romantic milieu of the inhabitants' 'worlds'. Ciphering these many factors and their interrelations provides the foundation for the architect's idea-building and problem-solving. Out of this process we synthesize a contemporary architecture of enduring beauty and meaning.
The resolution of the whole artistic expression of a project demands clarity and universal meaning - both of which motivations are strongly rooted in the Modern movement and continue to drive contemporary architecture today. For the architect, artistic expression serves to exert change upon limiting conventions while broadening human experience and our perception of the world.
Key to the success of any expression, artistic or otherwise, is language. A language that seeks to ignore established systems of human understanding is a language destined to live in a silent world void of discourse. Conversely, a language that is complicit in the artistic status quo lacks the ability to incite any exploration or movement. Architecture cannot afford to be either as it must illucidate possibility without invalidating the current reality. It must push the envelope of human experience without overstimulating the senses. It must shepherd the project's physical and cultural context into a healthy, optimistic future, innovating our way from any misteps of the present.
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