University of Delaware Botanic Gardens, Newark, DE, US, Volunteer
I am current working on gathering, editing and updating plant information for University of Delaware Botanic Garden website.
Other than that, I am doing the some related gardening works at the same time. Pruning the plants, helping out gathering dead branches for mulch, labeling plants, doing sell products on Agricultural Day, and etc. All these actual works with the plants help me know plants more from textbooks, and understand them thoroughly in practice.
The Brickman Group, Langhorne, PA, US, Assistant Designer
This is an internship.
Helped by using Adobe programs doing the initial processes toward multiple projects. Worked on small parts of commercial design and plant choices. Learned about commercial site design.
University of Delaware admission office, Newark, DE, US, Blue Hen Application manager
This was an part time on-campus job on my first semester of my senior year. The job was processing the application all over the world. And helped create computer file in university system for future students.