Şeyma Gümüş

Şeyma Gümüş

Ankara, TR



The word museum goes all the way back to Muses who are sources of inspiration according to Greek myhthology. The legend says that the muses are these nine sisters each of whom is specialized in a different form of art and who are the daughters of Mnemosyne, goddess of memory, and Zeus.

When approached from an etiomological perspective, the word museum goes beyond its classical definition and reaches to a point where it starts to mean such things as inspiration, being in a Brown study and even a place to meditate.

The objective in design is that the person looks inside themselves and constitute a venue setup where they can actualize their intellectual movement.

The most determinant factor in design is when the visitors experience this sacred structure, without any damage being given to the historic fabric of monastery, they are able to reach to the enchanting sky that shows itself behind these majestic walls

In line with these objectives, when we consider the qualities of the design, it was decided that the material to be used would be glass including the bearings. This way, it is aimed that the permeability between the place made and the context is ensured.

The floor level has been designed in a way that is 50 cm above the surface and contains public programs. Foyer, projection room, bookstore, rest area, storage and lavatories were placed to the ground level. To provide the mobility between programs, the places were fictioned in a way to not to Show their borders.

The circulation in this designed museum is provided via ramps starting from the ground level and going up. The exhibition area is diverted into two as programs. +11 level was functionalized as the main exhibition area where the permanent elements are shown to the visitors. In addition to ramps’ having circulating purpose, they also form the other part of this exhibition area.

The last destination for the visitors is this reclusion place where they can reach to the enchanting sky and actualize their own motion.

The nine different programs have been referred to these nine inspiring fairies in Greek mythology.

The chapel, situated in the left side of the Monastery and which is also an important spot for availably existing route and context plays an effective role in the orientation of the design.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Chiusdino, IT
My Role: Individual Work