Evripidis Bziotas

Evripidis Bziotas

Vienna, AT


awkward WORLDS . TRACES of existence

As in the series of “Uncertain” - awkward WORLDS have been evolved and are manifested by their potential “inhabitants” and their respective states which are observed closely. The common characteristic throughout both Projects is the constant sense of uncertainty, which however, derives from the respective  “wisdom” of each entity or event. Regardless of the type of Matter and forces upon them, each scenery is re-acting as a single event.     

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Status: Competition Entry

Universal Unfolding

Mood nowadays... is procedural

Awkward Worlds | AZOICS | Torganic

Unknown Knowledge AKA Idea


Awkward Worlds | AZOICS | Scattered Coincidence

Awkward Worlds | AZOICS | Traces of existence

Awkward Worlds | AZOICS | The Power of TEN.

Awkward Worlds | AZOICS| Forced Balance