Eliise Harjak

Eliise Harjak

Lorient, FR

Terje Ugandi
Terje Ugandi
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Renovation of the Põltsamaa Castle

The Põltsamaa castle complex features key structures, each with a rich history. Central to this is the convent building, dating back to the castle's original construction in 1272. Originally serving as part of the fortress, it was transformed into royal living quarters during the reign of King Magnus of Livonia (1570–1578). Despite multiple plunders, the castle evolved into a Rococo palace in the 18th century, under Woldemar Johann von Lauw’s vision. Unfortunately, a fire in 1941 left much of it in ruins.

Restoration efforts focused on preserving the convent building's walls, adding a roof, and restoring its tower dome. A modern concrete staircase offers views of the historical tower, crowned by a steel dome and viewing platform. The blend of grey steel, limestone, red brick, and natural wood enhances the harmony between old and new architecture.

The gatehouse, once in ruins, has been revitalized as a visitor centre and museum, featuring exhibition rooms, a hall for events, and a gallery. The courtyard and open-air stage have also been redesigned, creating a more inviting space for visitors while honouring the castle’s historical layout. 

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Status: Built
Location: Põltsamaa, EE
My Role: Architect in a team

Terje Ugandi
Terje Ugandi