Albuquerque, NM | Las Cruces, NM | Amarillo, TX | Phoenix, AZ
This CMAR project involved designing two new prototype elementary schools concurrently to address Hobbs Municipal Schools’ (HMS) concerns about district-wide overcrowding and aging schools. D/P/S worked with a single building committee to design both Broadmoor and Murray Elementary Schools using the same materials and systems, and adapt the design to two very different sites and slightly different educational programs. D/P/S managed parallel teams with different project architects under a single project manager and Principal-in-Charge to efficiently complete both projects while sharing information discovered between teams. As the first elementary schools built in Hobbs in more than 30 years, the Broadmoor and Murray set design precedents and building standards for future HMS schools.
Both schools use durable, low-maintenance materials such as CMU and polished concrete. Site designs focus on separating staff, parent, and bus traffic and creating easily supervised playgrounds. Life Cycle Cost Analyses were prepared to help the District make decisions on major systems based on return on investment. Due to the urgent need for the new schools, the design schedule was compressed to just over six months for both schools, from programming through construction documents, and a contractor was selected using CMAR procurement. The design team worked closely with the CMAR to refine the early work strategy, study assembly costs, and ensure that the design could be constructed efficiently.
Status: Built
Location: Hobbs, NM, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Hobbs Municipal Schools, Owner
Bradbury Stamm, General Contractor