DN studio

DN studio

Poland, Europe | Mississauga, ON, CA


Interior visualizations - Single-family house

Interior visualizations of single-family house located in Poland, Europe. My work was to make interior visualizations of one bathroom located at the attic, one toilet with shower located at the entry level, and open kitchen with dinning room and living room. I created two versions of living room, one is in daily-light and the other one in night-light scene.

Interior visualization of living room

Interior visualization of living room with dinning and kitchen in the background

Interior visualization of living room - night-light scene

Interior visualization of kitchen

Interior visualization of hall

Interior visualization of toilet

Interior visualization of toilet

Interior visualization of bathroom

Interior visualization of bathroom

Interior visualization of bathroom

Interior visualization of toilet

Interior visualization of toilet

Interior visualization of toilet with shower

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Status: Built
Location: Poland, Europe
Firm Role: 3d visualizations