I am an Architect and Urban Designer practicing in New York with a Master degree from Urban Design program, GSAPP, Columbia University. The tangled relationship between design, architecture, community and social development have always been my biggest passion. Through my present studies I also encountered into the field of landscape and environment in which technology and social sensibility take crucial roles.
ONE Architecture & Urbanism, New York, NY, US, Post-Graduate Urban Design Intern
AECOM, Jakarta, ID, Urban Design Intern
Working in AECOM has been pretty enlightening for me, it brought me a new view of Urban Design work - a field of study that is slightly been taught on campus - to a closer perspective. As an intern, I was a part of Urban Design Development division and involved in one project continuously, to develop a new satellite city in Tangerang, Indonesia, through feasibility studies, precedent studies and concept making.
Universitas Gadjah Mada - Architectural Planning and Design Department, Yogyakarta, ID, BArch, Architecture
Essay Contest for US-Indonesia Women CEO Summit, 1st Place
Preceding the Minister’s remarks AICC awarded certificates of achievement to 4 Indonesian students, two from the US and two from Indonesia, who had won an essay contest sponsored by Citi. Asked to write about what leadership skills will be necessary for future Indonesian leaders to succeed in the global economy or what entrepreneurial qualities are inherent in Indonesian culture and applicable to new businesses, AICC received over 150 essays. Each winner won a 1:1 mentoring session with Julie Monaco, Head, Global Public Sector Affairs at Citi and Julia Gouw, former CEO of EastWest Bancoprt.
These awards are granted on the merit of proposals submitted for travel abroad incorporating the study of architecture, including planning and other specialized aspects of architecture.
Sayembara Propan: Desa Wisata Nusantara, 3rd Place
This is one of the most interesting competition I've ever joined. Here with the other six team-mates, I developed a small island named Desa Messah, located in between Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. The existing condition of the island is very challenging yet in the other hand the government is initiating the island to be a tourist destination. Thus, this competition taught me a lot, not just about architecture, but also about future project realization and development planning.
Berkeley Prize International Essay Competition, Honorable Mention
The Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Design Excellence endowment was established in the Department of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design to promote the investigation of architecture as a social art. Each year the PRIZE Committee selects a topic important to the understanding of the interaction of people and the built world that becomes the focus of the Essay Competition. This year the topic is: Architects Confront Poverty.