Diego Fernandez

Diego Fernandez

Hot Springs, AR, US


Alacero Contest 1st Prize - Villa Portales Kindergarten

The project is situated within the Portales neighborhood community. A vacant lot, nestled between two six-story buildings, was selected for its potential for replication in similarly characterized sites—highly dense, flat, and unused lands lacking active programming. Within Villa Portales, there are numerous sites with these features, but the chosen location benefits from superior vehicular connectivity, essential for the project's function. It is positioned opposite one of the entrances to the University of Santiago and is currently in a state of complete neglect, with no existing structures to demolish, which affords us the opportunity to design a park that caters exclusively to the needs of the proposed building and its environs.

Thus, the proposal revitalizes the abandoned site by providing it with consistent usage. It also addresses the neighborhood's requirements, considering its high demand for densification and central location. Given that Villa Portales houses a significant transient population due to the University of Santiago, and many of its staff and students are residents of the area, the project is strategically designed to enrich the community's urban fabric.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Santiago, CL
My Role: Designer, drafting, mockups, 3d images.
Additional Credits: Domingo Molina García
Matías Romero Cortez
Victor Rojas Guerrero
Rafael Hevia
Nicolás Stutzin