Dat Nguyen

Dat Nguyen

Da Nang, VN


Hoi An Dor villa

Year                : 2020
GFA                 : 300SQM

Situated in the outskirts of the heritage city of Hoi An, the villa resides within the HoiAnDor project. Its architecture embraces indigenous traditions, featuring local materials like fired brick, ceramics, and glazed tiles. Drawing from native aesthetics, the design exudes timeless charm, blending seamlessly with the cultural landscape. Amidst the Hoi An’s historic ambiance, this villa stands as a testament to preserving local heritage while offering modern comforts.ings, offering residents a tranquil haven away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

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Status: Built
Location: Hoi An, VN
My Role: Concept , Visuallization