Floating Squares, Parade square.
Location : Warsaw, Poland
Competition : FUTUWAWA 2016 | Look at the sqaure
Floating Squares:
Due to the significance of the Palace of Culture and Science, The main concept design was based on the idea of what would appear to be like a floating structure, leaving the palace visible clearly from the eye level of visitors.
Using horizontal elements/planes with materials like Glass, white painted Steel Rods and Mirrors, the structure is meant to be light and playful; leaving the Site (Parade Square) appearing airy and light.
A heavy structure was avoided and horizontal planes were created in able to have a freedom and interesting movement around the square.
The square grid density is affected by the attraction areas in which the activities will be divided around the site, therefor the lesser the activity / functional (such as Libraries, coffee shops, shops...etc) the less we have a structure rising above the ground level.
Main Elements:
Steel rods ( in White)
Mirrors/ highly reflective materials
Main Structure geometry:
Horizontal Squares
Status: Competition Entry
My Role: Competition Entry | Designer