Corkery Consulting

Corkery Consulting

Sydney, AU

Design Concept Plan
Design Concept Plan
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ROSENTHAL PARK by Corkery Consulting


Located on the northern edge of Lane Cove commercial centre the existing Rosenthal Avenue Car Park is to be redeveloped.  A new urban park will be created on top of a new multi-level car park structure incorporating commercial space below the Park. The sloping site will allow pedestrian access to the new urban park from street level along the southern edge of the park and connect to the existing Land Cove Plaza. The new park will be used by existing community and future residents in adjoining areas of urban re-development.

Corkery Consulting was engaged by Lane Cove Council as one of four design teams to prepare design concepts for the proposed Rosenthal Park. Community engagement included presentation of the concepts and an opportunity to provide comment. Council will take account of the community comments in preparing the brief for detailed design of the redevelopment project including Rosenthal Park, the car park structure and commercial space.


Our vision is to create a new urban public space that users will describe in the following way:

‘The Lane Cove community has embraced Rosenthal Park as their new central civic place. The Park provides an enduring sense of place that nurtures the community values of engagement, purpose, inclusion, mutual support, cohesion, adaptability, resilience and fun.

The diversity of spaces encourages and supports people of all ages to meet, play, perform, participate, learn, relax and reflect. As the Park evolves and adapts over time with the community, it will provide a strong sense of continuity and connection to the broader community of Lane Cove.’


To achieve this vision the Rosenthal Park Concept Design incorporates three integrated spaces, each distinctive in character but together they enhance pedestrian flow and connectivity to adjoining areas. Sustainability initiatives include recycling rainwater for water play and irrigation, collection of solar energy to generate all power on site and contributing to biodiversity in the landscape.

The Forum

The Forum forms the primary venue for meeting, markets and performances, incorporating interactive ‘waterplay’, timber terraced amphitheatre, community studio, plaza and lookout. Entering the park from the lane connecting it to Lane Cove Plaza you walk into the new urban space of The Forum. Providing a venue for people to meet, sit, discuss, watch, learn, play, dine, perform and be entertained, the character of the place changes throughout the day, during the week and at different times of the year. People can engage with the place as individuals, small groups, large groups and crowds. The Forum is welcoming and encourages a sense of belonging and engagement in a place that presents a rich variety of opportunities. An interactive water feature marks the entrance and encourages play by adults as well as children. The timber terraces provide comfortable seating for casual use by individuals as well as groups to meet, socialise and engage in impromptu performance. The terraces also provide a venue for major performances and events that attract large audiences. The Community Studio provides a flexible space for functions, classes and events and incorporates an outdoor breakout space.

The Central Green

The Central Green is a flexible space for informal recreation and events, including a commercial space with rooftop garden/dining, shade structure incorporating solar collectors, the Scribbly Gum grove and recreation activities. The eastern and northern edges of this large space are defined by shops, galleries and eateries that use the adjoining paved and turfed areas. The sky garden adjoining Birdwood Lane provides outdoor dining with elevated views over the park. Pop jets in the water play plaza are a great attraction to children. The Scribbly Gum Terrace is used for various recreation activities, such as ping pong, tai chi, yoga and bowls. There are also opportunities to sit, socialise and relax below the shade structure and adjoining smooth-barked gum trees. The water misting system incorporated in the shade structure provides welcome relief during hot summer days. A growers market and community events regularly create vibrant activity and community engagement in the Central Green.

The Urban Bush

The distinctive Lane Cove bushland character established in the northern part of the park provides a unique playspace for children. Tree canopies provide dappled shade for a series of engaging play spaces located along a discovery trail.  Careful planting design ensures that parents can see their children from the outdoor dining area of the adjoining coffee shop. The broad set of stairs at the north east corner of the park provides a generous and inviting entrance to the park.  The sound and movement of water cascading in ribbons down the wall at one end of the stairs and falling in a wall of water at the other end, creates a popular urban space to meet, sit, hang out, see and be seen.  

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Sydney, AU
Firm Role: Designers
Additional Credits: Design Team: Terry Boyle, Linda Corkery, Noel Corkery, Eladio Hernando, Jason Packenham

Design concept diagram for Rosenthal Urban Park
Design concept diagram for Rosenthal Urban Park
Diagrams of design concept components: Use areas
Diagrams of design concept components: Use areas
Diagrams of design concept components: Circulation
Diagrams of design concept components: Circulation
Diagrams of design concept components: Planting strategy
Diagrams of design concept components: Planting strategy
Diagrams of design concept components: Sustainability
Diagrams of design concept components: Sustainability
Cross section of proposed rainwater harvesting and reuse system
Cross section of proposed rainwater harvesting and reuse system
Aerial photo of existing Rosenthal Avenue car park
Aerial photo of existing Rosenthal Avenue car park
Design Concept Plan with Legend
Design Concept Plan with Legend
Plan showing locations of Views A to E
Plan showing locations of Views A to E
Aerial perspective view of Design Concept looking east
Aerial perspective view of Design Concept looking east
View from The Forum looking north towards The Central Green
View from The Forum looking north towards The Central Green
View from edge of The Forum across the Central Green
View from edge of The Forum across the Central Green
View across Central Green to Water Plaza and central commercial building beyond
View across Central Green to Water Plaza and central commercial building beyond
Meeting steps at north east entrance to Rosenthal Park
Meeting steps at north east entrance to Rosenthal Park