A few years back, a small daycare institution for 30 children was demolished on the site making room for a new kindergarten for 6 times as many children - making it the biggest daycare institution in the Copenhagen neighborhood of Frederiksberg. Aiming for creating a safe everyday life for the children, the project consists of 11 small houses joint together with different orientation. From the outside, the day-care institution appears as a playful village for children, but from the inside, it is none the less coherent and efficient. The houses are small, compact and functional in everyday life, whilst still being exciting and challenging for children.
Status: Under Construction
Location: Frederiksberg, DK
Additional Credits: Client: City of Frederiksberg
Program: Kindergarden for 182 children, age 0-6
Size: 1,700 m2
Status: 1st prize in competition 2011, completion 2015
Collaborators: Preben Skaarup Landskab, Søren Jensen, Learning Spaces, Brdr. Thybo, Caverion, Juul & Nielsen
Awards: ArchDaily Building of the Year Award 2017
Team: Dan Stubbergaard, Rune Boserup, Eik Bjerregaard, Kato Hiroshi, Greta Tiedje, Jens Wagner, Claes Nilsson, Christian sander, Davide Pontoni, Agnieszka Krasuska, Agnieszka Szczepanska