Putu Suryani

Putu Suryani

Denpasar, ID

Masterplan for Gili Meno Beach Resort
Masterplan for Gili Meno Beach Resort
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Gili Meno Beach Resort (2012)

This resort is located in between a beach and a lake in Gili Meno, Lombok, Indonesia.

It consists of 50 units of 3 villa types, spa, restaurant, lobby, library and jetties; all stands in a 30,000 sqm land. 

The concept is to accommodate a green and sustainable resort, therefore the materials of every building will be of natural materials, such as stone, bamboo, timber. Since water and electricity are not easily available, the design and system to be use within the resort has to be self-sufficient. Rainwater and grey water are collected and recycled, there are also solar panels to help produce electricity, and the building design itself has passive cooling to minimize the use of air conditioner.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Gili Meno, Lombok, Indonesia
My Role: concept 3D modelling for Spa area and buildings; masterplanning

Day exterior view of Spa areas
Day exterior view of Spa areas
Day exterior view of Spa areas
Day exterior view of Spa areas
Night exterior view of Spa areas
Night exterior view of Spa areas
Night interior view of Spa reception & lounge
Night interior view of Spa reception & lounge