Chambless King Architects

Chambless King Architects

Montgomery, AL


29 Dexter Pocket Park

The City of Montgomery purchased 29 Dexter Ave in hopes of restoration. The original building, formerly the Montgomery Fair department store and workplace of Rosa Parks, remained in disrepair from a 1984 fire. As the building became structurally unsound due to surrounding lot development, however, the City decided to create a public alley in its stead. 

Though the building facade required removal, it was recreated using reclaimed materials from the original. The new facade maintains its historic urban edge and serves as the entry to the pocket park.

The design sought to strategically insert a public surface into existing ruins, not touching the rough remains except where needed for access and spill-out from adjacent spaces. This surface folds to create integrated seating and navigate level changes. The perimeter grade remains depressed, and large swatches of tall grass and recessed perimeter lighting reinforce its separation from the original context.

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Status: Built
Location: Montgomery, AL, US
Firm Role: Architect