Celeste architecture

Celeste architecture Diversity Badge

Disabled owned

Rennes, FR


Sports Hall, City of Hédé-Bazouges, France - Celeste architecture

Renovation and expansion

The Hédé-Bazouges sports hall was built during the 90s, and was suffering from numerous problems (infiltration, discomfort, energy consumption, etc.). The complete renovation of the building included :

> general reinforcement of the framework

> the PRM accessibility of the building 

> complete renovation of the building envelope

> thermal and acoustic comfort improvement

> energy requirements reduction 

> an extension with the creation of a hall and new rooms

> installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof

 > new design of the forecourt

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Status: Built
Location: 35630 Hédé-Bazouges
Firm Role: Architectural firm
Additional Credits: ​Site > Hédé-Bazouges (FR)
Type > Renovation and expansion
Client > Community of Hédé-Bazouges
Area > 1 500 m²
Team > Celeste architecture + ECIE + 3C écostructure + cabinet Bagot + Acoustibel
Phase > Completed in September 2023
Cost > 1 186 591 €
Year > 2020 - 2023
Photography > Cyril Folliot