Carolina Antolini

Carolina Antolini

Buenos Aires, AR


Concurso Provincial de Ideas para Recualificación y nueva imagen urbana de Avenida H. Yrigoyen y entorno / Puerta de Acceso del Municipio de Avellaneda

The objective of the call for competition is to obtain ideas and proposals for the urban planning of public space in the access to the Municipality of Avellaneda, taking into account the architectural, urban and landscape aspects of the sector, facilitating the development of future projects, based on actions that give unity to the urban complex, within the diversity of situations and existing and planned uses. As specific objectives, the following can be mentioned: Develop the general order provided for in the Strategic Plan; Improve, enhance and dignify the character of the Acceso Sur portal; Seek a greater urban identity; Strengthen the characteristics of Centrality of the Area; Achieve an opening and integration towards the banks of the Matanzas-Riachuelo; improve the deficit of green spaces; Contemplative solutions in terms of urban mobility; Formulate proposals for new regulations, if the ideas presented became necessary; Consider the economic and social viability of the proposal and its materialization in stages and with flexibility in execution; Propose management mechanisms that make the proposal possible. The proposal conceives two complementary operations: on the one hand, actions aimed at highlighting and valuing the essence written in time, and on other actions tending to strengthen the contemporary imprint, necessary for the development of new requirements, activities and challenges.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Buenos Aires, AR
My Role: Designer