Carlos Julian Garcia

Carlos Julian Garcia

Madrid, ES


Vertical Park

The major environmental problems that affect society in Madrid are its high atmosphere and acoustic pollution levels, which makes public spaces emptier each day. This issue has not been a matter of interest for a long time.

When mapping Madrid was proposed as the assembly of the course, we were interested in studying the pollution levels of the capital´s air. To begin our analysis, we compiled the data of the concentration levels of several pollutants measured in a number of locations in the interior of the area delimited by M-30 highway. Various locations resulted above the permitted levels established by the WHO. We also studied several determinant factors that can affect the propagation area for each large pollution hot spot, such as the wind, and its main direction, determined by the compass rose. Four possible localizations for our project were then designated.

At this point, it seemed feasible to give our project a specific use. If it was going to function as an air cleaner, it would be advantageous that it did not require acclimatization. One possible solution was to design a vertical car park, which is also a way out for another problem of the capital: the excessive amount of vehicles that circulate over the city center. Situated near the main entrances to Madrid, this project represents a formula to connect and resolve two main environmental issues.

The project has two aspects: the private car park building with its additional uses, and the square that generates.

The construction has a metallic framework, similar to scaffolding, which engenders a vertical robotic parking system that reduces the waiting time and maximizes the number of spaces.  The closure of the building defines distortable aerodynamic curves that guide the air into the filter areas, where the algae generate biofuel to supply the required energy to the establishment. Moreover, the air that enters to the filters, goes along the contiguous facade, where the phytoremediating plants fix the CO2 and trap the air pollutants. They also give rise to fresh air due to its humidity, and absorb the noise generated by the surrounding city traffic. The project also defines a couple of uses such as a diner and a car dealer, which have accessions from the crane of the car park, and have amazing views of Madrid skyline.

Corresponding with the two lower storeys of the building that are in contact with the ground, a public square is used as a pedestrian entrance, and contains the way out for the vehicles. In its perimeter there are several shops that give the space some interest and utility.

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Status: School Project
Location: Madrid, ES

Panel 1
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 2