Design-build installation that was digitally fabrication and suspended in CVA gallery in downtown Greensboro, NC. Class project of 13 third and fourth year IARc students with professor and TA. Brief asked us to design an environment that was inclusive and responsive to its users. Over the course of a semester, the class brainstormed various conceptual ideations of how an environment could be personified in physical form. I built the digital model in Rhino, and several of us added a Grasshopper script to each surface to be laser cut into triangles with tabs to be stapled together into full form. Material that was laser cut was 10 pound cardstock paper (two shades of white). Once every surface was laser cut, the class stapled each surface together individually and progressively joining the surfaces together to form each 'oculi'. The class then suspended each oculi from wooden rafters in the gallery space with fishing line, stapling each piece together. Each oculi was either encompassing a light or a sensor. If user walked under a sensor, another oculi would illuminate as a result. Fabric was stapled in each oculi opening.
Status: School Project
Location: CVA gallery, Greensboro, NC, USA
My Role: Built Rhino model with Grasshopper script, laser cut, stapled and suspended, final graphic boards
Additional Credits: Sharece Ramos
Laura Buchanan
James McNair
Daniel Salgado
Anuj Patel
Heather Williams
John Kennedy
Sangni Qu
Caitlyn Whisenant
John Jeppsson
Alexis Garcia
Blakeni Walls
Jonathon Anderson
Felicia Dean