CAN Design Limited

CAN Design Limited

Hong Kong, HK


D's City

CAN proposed a design that integrates architecture, technology, and art for the city’s Central Business District. The scheme comprises retail, multi-purpose hub, landscaped plaza, SOHO tower, and a 32-storey office tower. The 155,000sqm mixed-use complex integrates a sunken garden and landscaped terraces with a sophisticated pedestrian-friendly bridge system to create a multi-layered spatial experience.

The design imagines a new model for the central business district by accommodating a new mix of functions and embracing modern technology. Ample greenery and sky gardens are interwoven and distributed throughout the office buildings to enhance comfort and leisure for users. A high-end business center and multi-purpose cultural hub serve as an urban oasis for the bustling metropolis. 

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: China
Firm Role: Design Competition (Masterplanning, Architecture, Interior, Signage Design)