Reflecting on Trump's Infrastructure Agenda and Cultural ProjectsPart 1: 'Infrastructure Weak' As I write this, news of Trump backed US House and Senate candidates winning Republican primaries across the country has been sweeping the headlines and are leading stories on our TVs, radios, phones... View full entry
Technique, at its most fundamental core, is a procedure of errors. It is the conscious sacrifice of precision and accuracy in some areas to the exclusion of others and as Svetlana Boym relates, “avant-garde artists and critics used the word “technique” to mean an estranging device of art... View full entry
off-NARRATIVES: is a space for the exploration of detours in architecture and design discourse. The blog's inception is in alignment with the "off-modern" perspective; drawing from the works and teachings of the Svetlana Boym among other writers and thinkers in the 20th and 21st centuries. off-NARRATIVES: seeks to contribute to contemporary architectural discourse through observations, essays, book reviews, serial narratives, and other works of original research and theory.