You’ve finally made it. The end of architecture school. The all-nighters, studio drama, endless iterations, and annoying Xacto blade cuts are finally over. And now its time for the next step. Getting a job… Stepping into the professional world can be intimidating, especially for those of you... View full entry
Picture this: you’re walking along a paved path on the perfectly manicured grounds of a hotel when you happen upon a tree encircled by a thin rope. What is your reaction? It is likely that you do not automatically desire to climb over this rope; rather, your natural reaction is quite the... View full entry
It’s mid June of a hot summer in 2014 and as I sit at the intersection of Wilmington Ave and Grape St in Watts, Los Angeles I observe closely. I do my best to consume everything around me and while our assignment is to record the conditions of the site I find myself unbearingly preoccupied with... View full entry
With this being the first of many articles I plan to write on this column I thought I would kind of give an overview of what I plan to explore here. The title of this column (technically its a blog but I like column better) is The Socratic Method, which is inspired by exactly what its named... View full entry
This blog explores ideas about design and how it relates to our lives through research and critical thinking. As the title suggests this will be a platform to present thought provoking ideas intended for further discussion.