Marcelo Bicalho

Marcelo Bicalho

Juiz de Fora, BR


Puris and Coroados cultural museum

The museum’s design brings up the Puris and Coroados tribes' stories. These tribes were initially from coastal zones; thus, they used to live near beaches and used fishing and hunting to survive.

When the Portuguese expeditions started, these first people fled to the southwestern part of Brazil, following the river named Paraba do Sul and its tributaries, the Pomba and Muriaé rivers, where they took refuge in the Mantiqueira zone.

The design proposal’s goal is to protect and make people aware of these first people’s culture by showing them discoveries from archeological sites.

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Status: School Project
Location: Juiz de Fora, BR
My Role: Design decisions, technical drawings, renderings and 3d modeling
Additional Credits: teammate Elisa Christo.

Entre 2
Entre 2
Entry 3
Entry 3
Entry 2
Entry 2
Coffee shop
Coffee shop
Museum's interior
Museum's interior
Axonometric diagram
Axonometric diagram