Billy Earnest

Billy Earnest

Asheville, NC, US


My second ArchiCAD Project - Visitors Center 2012

This was my my second ArchiCAD project after many years of using Autodesk products. In my role in previous job (Architectural firm), I did lots of detailing. On this model, I did mostly foundation & structural work, then when straight to details. Here are a couple examples from the DD drawings. Since then, I have got my ArchiCAD graphics dialed in ever better. I did not design this, I am only showing my ArchiCAD work. Sadly, I was laid off (recession) from this position of 13 years before the CD's were finished. The drawings shown here were mostly complete at DD.

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Status: Built
Location: Charlotte, NC, US
My Role: CAD/BIM Technician
Additional Credits: Photo credits unknown. Images from internet.