Giant plants with colored bubbles rise to human height to invite visitors to put their heads into them and observe a white garden becoming colorful. The head-eater garden is a reflection on perception of colors through filters. The filter, as a fishbowl, offers isolation like a cosmonaut or a diving suit, and opens in colors to contemplate nature at 360°. These carnivorous plants have also taken over the benches in the garden and turned them into a hairdresser to let visitors put their heads into them…
The Head-eater garden is a decomposed chromatic participatory landscape experience. The installation is built at a human scale to surround him and interact with him. It is at the same time individual and opened to others, it generate games as well as contemplation, each in their own bubble.
Status: Built
Location: Chaumont-sur-Loire, FR
Firm Role: Conception & Realization
Additional Credits: in collaboration with Corentin Belliard + Noël Pinsard + Ulysse Lacoste
& special thanks to the architects&helpers : Sabrina Kara, François Giannesinni , Mathilde Billet, Emeline Belliard, Basile Pinsard, Simon.