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Athens, GR | London, GB


Kaizen Campus - An Award Winning Office Building

Kaizen Campus is located in a prominent intersection in Athens, with high levels of visibility and exposure. The main focus points of the design are aesthetics, environmental impact and user experience.

The inner courtyard serves as the social and functional heart of the complex, with ramps, entrances, resting areas and vertical circulation that ensure connectivity but also subdivision. There are four funnels/ connection points between the inner courtyard and the exterior landscape, oriented in a way that draws the circulation in and ensures a seamless circulation in and around the building.

The building has been designed to be functional and user friendly. All interior spaces benefit from natural light and air flow and all three floors are interconnected either from the interior or with exterior ramps. The façade design provides shading and filters the noise while accentuating the elliptical shape of the building via the repetition of the vertical louvers.

The architectural design embodies the construction of a new, state of the art three store building with three wings. The main use of the space is offices while the basement houses parking spaces, main and auxiliary spaces.

The building has been designed to be a landmark, visible from all sides thanks to its prominent location. This multi-directionality has been further highlighted by the elliptical shape of the building, which ensures that all sides are equally important and privileged.

The continuous exterior shields the inner courtyard from the outside world and creates a haven for the users to socialize, interact and relax.

The office spaces are open plan, promoting collaboration and equality, while the visual connectivity via the courtyard, creates a sense of unity and continuity.

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Status: Built
Location: Athens, GR
Firm Role: Architecture
Additional Credits: Structural engineering: P. Panagiotopoulos & Associates
Mechanical engineering: DASE
Traffic study: Dromos Ltd.
Construction: Ballian Techniki S.A.
LEED Consultants: DCarbon
Acoustics Consultants: G. Hatzigeorgiou, H. Moraitis
Landscape architects: H. Pangalou & Associates
Interior design: Urban Soul Project (USP)
Lighting Designers: LA Studio – Aris Klonizakis
Photographers: Giorgos Sfakianakis, Yiorgis Yerolymbos