Arth Studio

Arth Studio

Mumbai, IN


English Garden Resort

The Bones of an English garden

The English gardeners have written prolifically about the details of what they consider the nuances of their gardens and their structures.

A very crucial concept is the idea of there being a skeletal foundation to the garden as a whole. These "bones" are the hardscape and visually done through an assortment of pathways and planting of rough bushes and shrubs.

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Status: Unbuilt

Earth Bermed cottages act as repose homes for the guests. These structures merge with the landscape and give the illusion of rolling lawns.
Earth Bermed cottages act as repose homes for the guests. These structures merge with the landscape and give the illusion of rolling lawns.
View of the bridge connecting the guest rooms and the main meditation zones. The water feature below serves as a catchment.
View of the bridge connecting the guest rooms and the main meditation zones. The water feature below serves as a catchment.
Hillside steps leading to bermed meditation spaces, the cirumbulating path resembles the path followed at many sacred spaces.
Hillside steps leading to bermed meditation spaces, the cirumbulating path resembles the path followed at many sacred spaces.
View of the organic water maze along with its concentric water cannals. They have the dual purpose of serving as irrigation streams to a large portion of the site.
View of the organic water maze along with its concentric water cannals.
They have the dual purpose of serving as irrigation streams to a large portion of the site.
View of embarkment of the catchment; inspired by water side temples in India.
View of embarkment of the catchment; inspired by water side temples in India.
View of the water amphitheater feature.
View of the water amphitheater feature.
VIew of bermed grottos inside the highest mount.
VIew of bermed grottos inside the highest mount.
The Banyan Park, draws inspiration from the Bodhi Tree. It created a meditation space which is open to nature.
The Banyan Park, draws inspiration from the Bodhi Tree. It created a meditation space which is open to nature.