Christian Paiz

Christian Paiz

Guatemala City, GT


Palace of the municipality of Villa Nueva, Guatemala

Project Name: City Hall of Villa Nueva, Guatemala
Architects:  Christian Paiz, Luis Franco, Loren Mazariegos
Type: Competition / Government
Status: draft

The project's main focus to accommodate the different activities and administrative and operational functions of the sectors that seek to support the population of a municipality, in this case of Villa Nueva, is globally perceived as an architectural landmark in the to be the Great City of the South. Given the location of the project is important to maintain a formal dialogue with the context, to forms which were configured according to context, it was decided to apply double skin to safeguard the environment inside and rode him preever future incidents of social, waiting so that the area will be revitalized with the passage of time.


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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Guatemala, Villa Nueva
My Role: Architect Designer
Additional Credits: Arq. Luis Franco
Loren Mazariegos

principal entry
principal entry