ARKIASIA | Architecture & Environmental Graphics

ARKIASIA | Architecture & Environmental Graphics

Quezon City, PH

Facade | © Nacho Mauricio
Facade | © Nacho Mauricio
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New Order Bar

Situated in one of the bustling business districts of Metro Manila, New Order Bar is a 100 square meter tavern that fuses music and architecture into one locale.

Formed by a group of colleagues with different career backgrounds, they all share a common dilemma of finding a place to unwind within the metro—as most pubs these days appeal to younger audiences. A presumed issue among fellows of the same age range introduces an adequate market for a vicinity sprawling of different working sectors and communities.

The name was acquired from the band ‘New Order’, one of the most celebrated groups in the 80s. It was deliberately called as it is for an easy name recall and to anticipate the concept and the crowd associated with it. New Order Bar captures the theme not only through its interiors but also with one of its key elements—music. Songs from the 60s to 90s marks an edge to invite people with similar tastes. These periods of time in music evokes a nostalgic feel and possible connection between the place and the crowd.

Taking advantage of its corner location, this gives twice the potential to engage with possible patrons in the surrounding district; mainly consisting of the working class and those from neighboring villages. The approach towards the retail space captures an intriguing facade with arch details added on the exterior frames of the structure. The double-height interior is occupied by a span of vaulted ceilings matched with concrete walls and metal partitions to achieve an industrial motif.

Commonly mistaken as steel, the buttresses that hover over the entrance are made of thin plywood. They were divided into three segments and finished to create a seamless outcome similar to the arches and frames on the glass windows. Decorative elements displayed in the form of posters and paintings, as well as the storefront sign further strengthened the overall concept.

Cocktail tables situated near the DJ booth accommodate those who want to enjoy the set list while those arriving in groups can enjoy seated tables near the bar and al fresco.

Like any other retail establishment, space is always limited. But the owners required it to be planned to its maximum potential revenue. Adding a 50 square meter mezzanine floor proved advantageous as more seats and function rooms were accommodated. Instead of the usual concrete slab, phenolic boards were used for lightweight construction with lally columns for structural support. Likewise, the use of polished concrete on the existing floor slab were design fitting and economical as well.

The interior walls are built with Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) that perform the same as other load-bearing walls; however, these are more lightweight and has higher levels of insulation. The use of AAC blocks equally function as soundproofing medium that prevents noise to further reverberate.

Custom made was the intention with the furniture. Each piece utilizes the same finishes as the interior space with angles for seating, suitable measurements, and comfort as primary considerations during the design process.

New Order Bar has been operational since 2018 and is looking at the potential to expand in other places in the Philippines.

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Status: Built
Location: Manila, PH
Firm Role: Designer

Entrance with buttresses | © Nacho Mauricio
Entrance with buttresses | © Nacho Mauricio
Vaulted ceiling | © Nacho Mauricio
Vaulted ceiling | © Nacho Mauricio
Bar area | © Nacho Mauricio
Bar area | © Nacho Mauricio
Metal screens | © Nacho Mauricio
Metal screens | © Nacho Mauricio
Seated dining | © Nacho Mauricio
Seated dining | © Nacho Mauricio
Polished concrete flooring | © Nacho Mauricio
Polished concrete flooring | © Nacho Mauricio
Underside of mezzanine level | © Nacho Mauricio
Underside of mezzanine level | © Nacho Mauricio
Decorative posters along stairs | © Nacho Mauricio
Decorative posters along stairs | © Nacho Mauricio
Exposed conduits | © Nacho Mauricio
Exposed conduits | © Nacho Mauricio
Close-up of chair | © Nacho Mauricio
Close-up of chair | © Nacho Mauricio
Flag sign | © Nacho Mauricio
Flag sign | © Nacho Mauricio
Plans | © ARKIASIA
Plans | © ARKIASIA
Elevations & Sections | © ARKIASIA
Elevations & Sections | © ARKIASIA
Section | © ARKIASIA
Section | © ARKIASIA