Ara Hovsepyan

Ara Hovsepyan

Los Angeles, CA, US


Pardon My Reach

The straight line is an incredible abstraction of form. Where our species has been, we may find this abstraction – vastly different from the nature that we grow out of. We have become refined beings, finding beauty in these crude shapes. To arrange these straight lines into harmonious compositions entails more than proportioning systems based on the golden section or Fibonacci sequence – this is not the way these ratios are used in nature; it is another crude abstraction. It can be done; the works of Mies Van Der Rohe and the more contemporary SANAA prove this. But I am interested in achieving beauty through biomorphism, looking to the forms (the wiggles) of nature, and the more difficult task of biomimicry, mimicking the performance of nature to maximize efficiency. Photovoltaics is a powerful example of this, mimicking photosynthesis. The jellyfish allusion within the project is not particularly biomimetic to a satisfying degree, as its biomimetic elements are autonomous. The biomorphism here is arguably purely formal. It is probably a backward step towards progression, but a step nonetheless. It is a step that was fun to make. However, it is a natural configuration to take for the solar (hot air) balloon in combination with its wind generating element. The human body is forced into tight situations to hint at extremes of density, but the body is not in a state of discomfort. The sleep capsule does not need additional space; limitless spatial environments manifest within the inhabitants' dreams.

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Status: Unbuilt