We seek the new, we believe in architecture like a fingerprint, in other words, form, space and light are ALWAYS peculiar to each building.
We seek to generate feelings in those who use our product because it should be part of people's lives.
We believe in the new. We do not believe in styles or predetermined formulas in our architecture, business or management.
We believe that our architectural creations must be grounded in conceptual justifications, environmental and cultural and it is applied since the first sketch on paper to the finished work.
We believe that an idea, a concept, really can have an impact on a person, and a consistent idea always generates positive impact on them. This can be measured by the striking and bold architecture in the city, either by the economic success of the enterprise or simply for the happiness of those using our "products".
We reached the new.
Curitiba, BR , 80240-340
55 41 30934489