Antonius Richard Rusli

Antonius Richard Rusli

Bandung 1, ID



architecture student


Baskoro Tedjo Arch Ass, Bandung , Intern


Jun 2013 - current


Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, BArch, Architecture

Aug 2010 - current


Parahyangan Budget Hotel Competition 2013, 1st Place

Jury :
Dr. Ir. Yuswadi Saliya, M.Arch.;
Ir. Alexander Sastrawan, MSP ;
Ir.Karyadi Kusliansjah. M.T , IAI. ;
Ir. Rudi Hadinata , IAI


Graha Arkeologi & Kebudayaan Prambanan World Heritage _ National IAI competition, 1st Place

Jury :
Prof. Ir. Wiendu Nuryanti, M.Arch.,
Ph.D (Wakil Mendikbud RI Bidang Kebudayaan)
Purnomo Siswoprasetjo Tj ( Direktur Utama PT.Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur Prambanan Dan Ratu Boko)
Mr. Mika Koponen/VP Technical Service Carlson AsPac
Prof. Totok Rusmanto (Akademisi Arsitek Universitas Diponegoro)
Ir. Munichy B. Edrees, M Arch, IAI (Ketua Umum IAI)
Ir. Soni Sutanto (Praktisi Arsitek Universitas Indonesia)
Prof. DR. Ir. Josef Prijotomo, M.Arch (Akademisi Arsitek Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)


Propan Green Building Award, Award

Jury :
Ahmad Djuhara
Naning Adiwoso
Dina Hartadi
Imelda Akmal
Suharsono Legowo.


Indomaret Fresh Design Competition _ National Competition, 1st Place

jury :
DR.Ir.Budi Faisal. MAUD,MLA.
Ir. Riadi Rizal M.Ars.


ARBBI award, Nomination

A Competition that held by ARBBI ( Asosiasi Ritel Bahan Bangunan Indonesia ), In corporation with GBCI ( Green Building Competition Indonesia ).


Laras Award 2012, National Competition, Honorable Mention

the resurrection of the spirit of the people's economy in the form of architectural archipelago ecologically sustainable economy and culture


Indocement Award 2012 , National Competition, Honorable Mention

architecture application housing which is cheap ,sundaness, healthy and sustainable for Bandung Making a real win for the informal economy, as well as for ecological sustainability issues with the end goal is the ideal mindset of Bandung Sustainibility


JAT - Jakarta 2045, National Competition, Honorable Mention

Tracing the Public Spaces as an answer of the complexity, plurality, and an overview of the life of Jakarta in 2045


Hall of Fame , Bogor Palace , National IAI Competition, 2nd Place

an appreciation award in competition : Hall of Fame , Bogor Palace
The Juries of the award are
Prof. Slamet Wirasondjaja, IAI
Prof. Sandy A.Siregar, IAI
Prof. Gunawan Tjahjono, IAI
President of Penataan Bangunan dan Lingkungan Strategis, Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya,
minitstry of general development
Presidential Secretariat officials


PDRI National Monument , National IAI Competition, 2nd Place

an appreciation award in competition : PDRI National Monument and MasterPlan
The Juries of the award are
Drs. Surya Helmi (President of Heritage and Museum Preservation Kemendikbud)
Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Danisworo, M.Arch., M.U.P., IAI
Budi A.Sukada, IAI
Ir. Sugeng Gunadi, MLA., IAI
Sunaryo (sculptor artist)
Ir. Dhasmayzal A.A, IAI
Ir. Maihalfri (President of West Sumatra Provincial Road Infrastructure)


International Tropical Architecture Design Competition 2012, 3rd Place

An award and exhibition of tropical development architecture held by BCA authority , SIA, in collaboration with Singapore Green Building Council in 2012.

The Juries of the award are
Dr. John Keung , (BCA Singapore)
Mr. Theodore Chan Eng Chye, (President SIA)
Mr. Tai Lee Siang , (President SGBC)


Renovation of Plaza Indonesia Outer Space National Competition , Finalist & Favorite Design, Award

Raised the outdoor space Plaza Indonesia which is less answered the progress of time, with a more iconic and representative shall Indonesia especially Jakarta


Areas of Specialization