Atlanta is the city where this excercise takes place.
Esencially the problem is located between Hulsey
and Pullman Railyard. The intervention made
comprises diverse neighrborhoods which have
been segregated for years not only physically, but
culturally and socially. Formally, this separation is
caused by the railroads and Marta tracks.
The choosen site, formally treated as a transect
has 2400’ by 2400’ aproximately around Inman
Marta Station which divides Reynoldstown
from Inman Park. The designed connection is
deveoped at a public infrastructure level where
a future expasion of Freedom Park is envisioned
trying to pull it to Reynoldstown by a tunnel that
contains a Skatepark, an art installation program
and a car tunnel that connects Edgewood Blvd.
and Seabord Blvd. both of them proposed. In the
next level, a new renovated Marta Station takes
place with an outside sightseeing placed on top.
On this level a pedestrian bridge is proposed to
connect both neighborhoods.
The bridge take pedestrians to the proposed
sites in Reynoldstown on which the next part of
the exercise takes place. All other sites along
Hulsey Yard are suggested for future housing
development. A third park takes place at the very
end of this extension serving as buffer for the
settled area of Reynoldstown.
Status: School Project
Location: Atlanta, GA, US
My Role: Designer