andreina zamora

andreina zamora

Bogotá, CO

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I am a passionate architect with over five years of experience in designing, directing, and managing architectural solutions in Colombia and Australia. I specialize in residential and commercial projects, focusing on innovative projects that incorporate new technologies to reduce environmental impact.


Tss Group SA, Bogotá, CO, Site Manager

I supervise over 5 housing construction projects, ensuring compliance with timelines and execution according to the plans and specifications. I have developed innovative technical solutions to resolve complex problems on the construction site, which has ensured the quality of the work and minimized additional costs by 15%.

Jan 2023 - current

Design roofing and cladding, Sydney, AU, Architect

Responsible for creating over 200 architectural plans in 2D, 3D, and renders for presentation to the commercial and sales sectors. I solved design issues in facades and roofs, thereby reducing construction times and costs, which increased the number of clients by 30% in just six months.

Mar 2020 - Nov 2022

Auri Ltda, Bogotá, CO, Architect

Development of residential projects from concept and design to the construction phase, using BIM software such as AutoCAD, Revit and Lumion. I planned the physical structure of the homes, considering technical and regulatory aspects, in addition to the functionality of the design, seeking to create attractive and coherent visual experiences.

Jan 2019 - Dec 2019

ICCU goverment of bogota, Bogotá, CO, Internship

Medium-scale architectural and territorial urban design, through the integration of sustainable elements and following building codes. I executed the transformation of an abandoned or underutilized space into a vibrant urban park that was recognized for its sustainable design and positive impact on the community.

Jun 2018 - Dec 2018


CTIC International, Sydney, AU, Project Managment and leadership

I studied techniques for estimating costs, managing budgets, and controlling expenses throughout the project lifecycle.

Jan 2020 - Jan 2022

Browns School Institute, Gold Coast, AU, English

have pursued extensive studies in English, focusing on both language skills and cultural proficiency. Throughout my education, I have engaged in comprehensive coursework covering advanced grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing techniques.. My dedication and hard work have culminated in achieving a C1 level of proficiency, demonstrating my ability to understand and use English effectively in academic and professional contexts.

Jun 2019 - Dec 2019

Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá, CO, BArch, Architecture

I have received training in the following areas: practice of architectural and urban space design, theoretical foundation in the field of architectural history and theory, technological foundation in structures and construction, foundation in means of expression (drawing plans, scale models, digital media), and foundation in urbanism.

Jan 2014 - Jan 2019


Magazine Publication, 2nd Place

In my fourth year of university, I participated in a competition with the goal of getting my project published. I created the project from scratch, designing the plans and images, and developing both architectural and bioclimatic solutions. I secured second place, and my project was published. Despite the achievement, I gained numerous valuable lessons throughout the process.


Areas of Specialization 
