ALGEDRA design

ALGEDRA design

Dubai, AE | Istanbul, TR

Office reception design in Abu Dhabi
Office reception design in Abu Dhabi
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Modern office design in Abu Dhabi

Bright spacious modern ergonomic office design from Algedra team.

Concept developed with idea of ultra modern space with a lot of natural light and productive working facilities.
Minimalistic contemporary design with architectural details spread through two floors. Open space, inviting reception, lounge and waiting areas for the visitors. Customers area located on the second floor as well as meeting rooms creating more private atmosphere. 
Neutral white color used as a base to reflect incoming natural light with bright colors of red and yellow as an accent, and some greenery as decor creating a positive atmosphere.

ALGEDRA Interior Design | 00 971 52 8111106 | [email protected] 
Dubai | Istanbul | London | New York

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Abu Dhabi, AE
Firm Role: Architectural design and interior design

Modern office interior design in Abu Dhabi
Modern office interior design in Abu Dhabi
Modern office architectural design
Modern office architectural design
Modern office decor Abu Dhabi
Modern office decor Abu Dhabi
Modern office interior details
Modern office interior details
Modern office architectural details
Modern office architectural details