Alexios Vandoros

Alexios Vandoros

Thessaloníki, GR

night 3d perspective of the project
night 3d perspective of the project
9 more images  ↓

VETH Office Building and Exhibition Space

project: Office Building and Exhibition Space of Chamber of Thessaloniki Small and Medium Sized Industries
location: thessaloniki
date: june 2009 - september 2009
size: 960 m²
state: under construction
client: Thessaloniki Chamber of Small and Medium Sized Industries

Status: Under Construction
Location: Thessaloníki, GR
My Role: architect
Additional Credits: architects: VANDOROS + PARTNERS / alex vandoros
civil engineers: Stavros Souanis / Giannis Chourpouliadis
E/M engineers: Karanasios - Varsami

3d perspective of the project
3d perspective of the project
aerial 3d perspective of the project
aerial 3d perspective of the project
3d perspective of the project
3d perspective of the project
3d perspective of the project
3d perspective of the project
3d perspective of the project
3d perspective of the project
during the construction
during the construction
during the construction
during the construction
elevation plans
elevation plans
1st floor plan
1st floor plan