Alessandro Fusi

Alessandro Fusi

New York, NY, US

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Imago Urbis - Documentation Center of Etruscan and Roman civilization

The project aims to create an institution to serve documentary research, dissemination of information and archaeological tourism. The Documentation Centre is located in the archaeological area of Roselle, within a quarry used in the past for the extraction of marble.

The basic idea is to take into account within the structure of the Centre the two distinct archaeological realities that are documented and represented in it.

the reference to the Etruscan and Roman civilization is then made evident in terms of structural organization of the external volumes, arranged according to the axis of the classical cardus and decumanum, in a sequence of parallelepiped modules of variable height and blank surface, without visible openings.

This external structure corresponds to an underground organization of space which refers to the  hypogeal rooms of the Etruscan necropolis.

The distribution of modular elements on the outside also aims to recall the image of the deposits of quarry materials, in the shapes they took in the course of mining activity.


Other relevant archeological/stuctural features of the Centre are its entirely underground development (being external modules only functional to lighting and aeration) and the overall floor plan reminiscent of the distribution of space in a chamber tomb.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Grosseto, IT
My Role: Project architect

plan 1:200
plan 1:200
Sections 1:200
Sections 1:200
Sections 1:200
Sections 1:200
view from the river
view from the river
the blocks
the blocks
the central square
the central square
the exhibition area
the exhibition area
the stairs to the park
the stairs to the park
side view
side view
the underground square
the underground square
the library
the library