adam vernon

adam vernon

Brooklyn, NY, US

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As a versatile and innovative designer, I bring a unique blend of creative and technical skills to the table. With a Master's degree in Architecture from Pratt Institute and a background in English Literature, I've developed a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling through design. My experience in computational design software like Rhino, Grasshopper, and Revit enables me to bring complex ideas to life. With a proven track record of publications and awards in urban design, architecture, and literary criticism, I'm excited to join a creative architecture firm where I can apply my skills to shape the future of urban spaces and communities. Let's connect and explore how we can create something remarkable together!"


MUD Workshop, Brooklyn, NY, US, Urban Designer

My role since moving to MUD Workshop in 2023 consists mainly of urban design and planning. My responsibilities include comprehensive long-range planning, density and FAR studies for urban environments and municipalities, and urban design. This hands-on experience has honed my ability to analyze zoning and development scenarios, as well as contextual rezoning opportunities. I use Rhino and Grasshopper to create site models for conducting shadow studies, FAR studies, and projected density studies. I then render these models in V-Ray and refine them in Photoshop and Illustrator. Additionally, I have experience with NYC zoning code and the ability to produce zoning calculations, massings, site plans, and program mixes for various development types.

May 2023 - current


Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY, US, MArch, Graduate Architecture

Sep 2022 - current

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, US, Masters, Graduate English Literature

Aug 2018 - May 2020

Areas of Specialization 
