Aaron Plewke

Aaron Plewke

Brooklyn, NY, US

2.5D to 3D landscape and tower
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Participating Bodies, Self-Innovating Codes - PROCESS

Advanced Design Studio with Mark Collins and Toru Hasegawa

Proxy -

Cloud Lab -

PROCESS shown here, PROJECT DESIGN shown as separate project in portfolio.
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Status: School Project
Location: Saint Louis, MO, US

2.5D - aggregation diagrams rolled onto surfaces
aggregation of programmatic units
clique as programmatic organization
network topologies built in grasshopper
proximity analysis of Knowlton Hall, OSU (grasshopper)
proximity analysis of Knowlton Hall, OSU (grasshopper)
proximity analysis of Givens Hall, WUSTL (grasshopper)
proximity analysis of Danforth Campus, WUSTL (grasshopper)