AA[n 1]-Arch.&Analysis transdisciplinary project

AA[n 1]-Arch.&Analysis transdisciplinary project

Paris, FR



Master Studio Group Show from february 8, 2014 to february 27, 2014

-------------------------- AA[n+1]Lab Opening Show -----------------------

« Le rouage social, profondément perturbé, oscille entre une amélioration d'importance historique ou une catastrophe. » Le Corbusier, Vers une Architecture, 1923

Digital Knowledge Master Studio // A ROBOTIC REVOLUTION !

From conception to construction, robotic offers tremendous architectural possibilities. As a matter of fact, robotic recently inserted in architectural debate as in other fields, on the one hand thank to extraordinary potentialities it offers in the constructive realm, giving access to operative processes formerly impossible ; and on the other hand, its adoption drains social radical transformation we cannot ignore !

The architectural discipline clearly implicated in technological innovation and historical consciousness. Digital Knowledge formal research aims technological discovery through experimentation in domestic scale and lucid analysis of all various aspects of robotic. Physical objects production is an immediate result from encoding and parametrical design.

According to common criteria of integrative numerical traductivity, Digital Knowledge and Master students experiment computation, conception and computer assisted fabrication, in order to understand objective conditions of industrial production and their relationship with architecture, and give architecture the operative dimension back ! 

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Status: Built
Additional Credits: EZCT-Architecture&Design Research, ABB, SCHUNK, Digital Knowledge