Toronto, ON, CA | Edmonton, AB, CA | Calgary, AB, CA | New York, NY | Cairo, EG
We are a research and innovation startup, think tank, and consultancy firm working in critical sectors to create solutions and advancements that improve quality of life, and bring the future in our lifetime. We do this by re-envisioning the world today with forward problem-solving solutions, starting with our environment. Environment shapes life, this affects our health, performance, consumer purchase, economy, education, healthcare, and society.
By innovating strategically in one area, we enhance other sectors. We create a domino effect that shows that sustainable, people, and planet first thinking is not only profitable, but achievable in our lifetime, and is critically needed today.
We do this in 2 approaches. The first is creating innovative projects and open them to crowdfunding and investment at lower capital entry amounts than typically needed in various industries. This allows younger generations to enter the ground floor of innovative projects where they would typically need to have gathered 6 figures or more over decades to start taking part in these projects.
The second is through consulting, providing a wide range of consulting and professional services to clients in various industries, where we apply the same principles to enhance our clients’ organizations.
Toronto, ON, CA
Edmonton, AB, CA
Calgary, AB, CA
New York, NY, US
Cairo, EG