ZHANG Hankun, born in 1989 in Xi’an, China, currently located in Milan, is the co-founder of TCA Think Tank since 2011, an architectural team based in Milan, practicing architecture, urbanism, cultural analysis and journalism. Her past projects cover the range from city scale and multi-functional complex buildings, to individual installations. She has been researching in the field of urban planning and architectural theory, focusing on exploring the issues of diminishing environment in China and the impact of artistic and cultural districts in the city.
Besides her architectural practices, she has also developed and facilitated several collaborations between organizations and individual professionals both from Europe and China under a multi-cultural environment, where her coordinating and management skills helped to build up frameworks and improve communications. She personally facilitated the co-parternership between Chinese Pavilion of the 14th Venice Biennale, Fundamentals, and TCA Think Tank, including the exhibition The Chinese Condition and the installation Parasite Pavilion. Her past works have been published on multiple platforms, among which ArchDaily (where she contributed the series of conversations with the new generation of Chinese architects), DesignBoom, Domus, MARK Magazine (Frame Publishers) and STUDIO Magazine. She is also co-author of the book The Condition of Chinese Architecture, which concluded a 5-year profound research of the Chinese architecture panorama by TCA Think Tank. It will be published by China Architecture & Building Press in 6 months.
TCA Think Tank, Milan, IT, Co-founder
Co-founder of TCA Think Tank since 2011, an architectural team based in Milan, practicing architecture, urbanism, cultural analysis and journalism. For more information please visit: www.tcathinktank.com
International Competition of Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbour, 3rd Place
Urban Planning of Xixian New district and new campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Coordinator and member of the design team, in addition in charge of communication with Xi'an Jiaotong University, and a member of the final team to present the project to the delegation.