Steelwood Architecture, PLLC, Suzhou, China, Architectural Intern
Project: Wuzhen Electrical Factory Renovation: Another Logic of Adjusting to Local Conditions.
-Participated in the whole project design process;
-Put forward the key idea through sketches and models: maintain a humble attitude towards the natural elements inside the site;
-Made part of the physical model and diagrams
Shanghai Zhongfu Architectural Design Institute (SZADI), Shanghai, China, Architectural Intern
Project: Yanhu Ecological Cultural Tourism Town District F(Hilton Hotel Phase II).
-Participated in the construction drawing process, taking charge of the F2 type;
-Helped to organize the presentation materials
University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, US, MArch, M.arch +2
Course: Interactive Architecture (Arduino);
Computer Transformations (grasshopper);
Professional Practice (Revit), etc.
Soochow University, Suzhou, CN, BArch, architecture design
Fall 2016, Fall 2017
First Prize for Outstanding Academic Study
National University of Singapore, Singapore, SG, summer program
Course: Climate & Energy; Energy & Ecology
Workshop: Sustainable Design