Weiran Yin

Weiran Yin

Jersey City, NJ, US

The Song of Spring 1
The Song of Spring 1
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"The Song of Spring" --- A Exploration of Commemorative Revolutionary Landscape

In China, historical monuments are often presented in an iconic manner, frequently overlooking the natural environment and leading to waste and destruction. A meaningful memorial landscape should not only commemorate historical events but also provide a spiritual and interactive experience for visitors.

This project embraces the concept of dematerialization in architecture, integrating ecological function with memorial purpose to create a more holistic space. By utilizing inexpensive local materials, the installation addresses soil erosion and agricultural non-point source pollution. Monumentality is expressed through points, paths, and colors, capturing the footprints of revolutionaries. Visitors can engage with the site on a larger scale, following historical clues and connecting with the events in a more immersive and interactive way.

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Status: School Project
Location: Guizhou, CN

The Song of Spring 2
The Song of Spring 2
The Song of Spring 3
The Song of Spring 3
The Song of Spring 4
The Song of Spring 4
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The Song of Spring 5
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The Song of Spring 6
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The Song of Spring 7