Studio Horizon

Studio Horizon

Mumbai, IN


The Parasite- Sketch edition

Oh, how we love things which are precisely intact & just meant to be the way they are. Isn't the ever increasing population & the lack of room already enduring so much agony for basically everything. We just need more space & man definitely knows how to do it. Suppose they build an extra cell or a block attached to his room breaking the symmetry of the building, & many residents following the same & developing structures for their own purpose. Wouldn't that just make the entire building unevenly shaped? It's like a parasite hung onto its host, where the extra rooms are the parasite & the building is the host. The perfect term coined for this could be ‘Parasitic Architecture- adding extra to the already abundant’. I guess with the introduction of this, an architect's life went from designing/building out of the box in literal sense! Well, if asymmetry is your canvas, this concept has to be its masterpiece. Talking about one, imagine the entire skyline, how it just loses its symmetry! Used to be flawless, with its impeccable rigid design emerged into the sky making a site worth watching, whereas now the shirt has developed its own wrinkles. It's a shame. 

But, just like every other coin, parasitic architecture has its flipped side as well. We humans, being the smartest breed, are obsessed with getting our work done. If we just wink at the irregular shape & look at its bright side, what are those extra spaces used for?  Maybe a living space accommodating more people, or simply a storage cell. If commercial spaces come into picture, the same extra space could be used as breakout  spaces by the employees or can be utilized by creating a small cafeteria as well. Isn't that  creative. As we say the sky's the limit and who doesn’t like some extra space. The more important question is making the best use of space or putting in the best way.  What if the clever minds hadn't thought of the plug-ins & tried adding more floors above the building - now that would've been dangerous in a pre-existing cramped up urban context. ‘The place shall be what we make of it’ now that we think about it, the idea isn't half bad as it was earlier. 

Yes the shirt had wrinkles, but not all wrinkles are worth ironing out. 

What if this concept has been used in your city as well, ever noticed?

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Mumbai, IN
Firm Role: Principal Architect
Additional Credits: Content Writing: Tamanna Parwani