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De Soto High School Phase 3 Renovations & Additions

The Board of Education approved the expansion and renovation project on April 13, 2015, following a competitive bidding process that resulted in a total project cost of $16,689,557. The funds will come from the remaining bond dollars in the November 2008 bond issue and will have a neutral impact the bond and interest tax levy.

Existing Administration Renovation (10,100 sf)
Description: The renovations consist of reconfiguring the office spaces to improve the safety of students and staff. The renovated spaces include a newly configured safe entry system, Counseling and Career Service Center, offices for staff and three flex space classrooms.

New Classroom Wing Addition (48,500 sf)
Description: The building addition consists of a new two-story classroom wing for language arts, math, science and several flex classrooms. The new addition also provides students with a new media center.

Existing Classroom Renovations (3,720 sf)
Description: With many of the science classrooms moving to the new building addition, the existing science rooms will be renovated into FACS classrooms and additional storage. These rooms include fully equipped kitchenettes.

Existing Physics Room Renovations and Expansion (2,270 sf)
Description: The existing physics room is expanding into an adjacent classroom. This gives the classroom more supply storage, a new prep area and more space for physics experiments.

Existing Kitchen and Cafeteria Expansion (460 sf)
Description: The renovation consists of expanding the kitchen and cafeteria to accommodate the growing number of students enrolled.

Track and Fields Renovations
Description: The renovations at the De Soto High School track consists of a new track, new synthetic turf field and two new lights. The Mill Valley High School renovations provide a new synthetic turf field, with new long jump and pole vault facilities.

Update Roofing and HVAC Units (103,815 sf)
Description: The updates include new roofing over the original existing building. The mechanical systems are also receiving updates to improve air quality.

Based on bid results, the budget for Phase III was $16,689,557. Manning Construction and HTK Architects recommended the low bidders for all packages.

Because of the competitive construction market, the school district was able to include artificial surfaces at both high school athletic fields and is replacing the old track at De Soto High School – all included in the total project cost.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: De Soto, KS, US
My Role: Project Manager
Additional Credits: HTK Architects P.A.