AB design studio, inc., Santa Barbara, Summer Intern
Independently design and model 201 Haley Street multi-family project using ArchiCAD.
Independently making booklet for 201 Haley Street project, including mapping, diagrams, plans, sections and renderings.
Assist project architect to complete some interior space modeling using ArchiCAD.
Assist the project manager in organizing and archiving the drawings of existing projects.
Office for Urban Renewal (OUR), Shanghai, CN, Architecture Intern
Assisted project architect to restore one historic building in Shanghai.
Independently finished floor tile resotration design. Participated in wood components restoration design.
Attended in the status report meeting to real estate company and heritage conservation experts.
Participated in computer modeling, analitical diagram drawing and booklet making.
YEAS Design Studio, Shanghai, CN, Research Intern
Finished the site analysis for a pedestrian system design project, including visiting the communities, Street Office,Senior Care Service Center and local Planning Bureau.
Participated in booklet making for 2 times. Independently completed the infrastructure analysis in booklet.
Attended in the status report meeting to Planning Bureau and Street Office.
Dovetailed with the staffs of Street Office for data on population, land, infrastructure, etc.
Participated in the conceptual design of the river landscape renovation.
TJAD Original Design Studio, Shanghai, CN, Architecture Intern
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, US, MArch, Master of Architecture