

New York, NY, USA & Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Zukak & Mahala

I always believed in the cross-pollination of resources and in this case the Iraqi people as Human resources. The cross-pollination across generations and across disciplines!

I am passing on the torch...

Dear Iraqis inside and outside Iraq,

Please support the lovely Sara Alkhoja who has taken on the responsibility to be the coordinator to help put together the core team for Zukak and Mahala Initiative. She will also be reaching out to advisors and experts for their input and direction.

This initiative will be about re-building Iraq one street at a time. It is up to you to make it a success. It will start with the city of Baghdad and it could be adopted in any other city of Iraq.

Please reach out to Sara Alkhoja for any questions. As I will step in the shadow but will give my input when needed.

<3 love to all

Raya Ani

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Status: Built