RAW-NYC Architects

RAW-NYC Architects

New York, NY


RAW-NYC Architects

Sep 15, '18 3:00 AM EST

Life and death is all about perspective!

And it is no one's perspective but your own.

I do appreciate Facebook feature "on this day" showing you memories of a certain date....

You realize on a certain date in a specific year, you loose someone dear to you and on the same date in another year, a new someone who will become dear to you is born.

This applies to people, matters and all that exist, was created and is created around us..

Life is constantly displaying contrast. Life and death as if they are the two sides of one matter.

It is happened so that today was the official birth date of RAW-NYC Architects! with Raya Ani and RAW-NYC Architects 

RAW-NYC Architects