Robert Becker

Robert Becker

Orinda, CA, US

Robert Becker recently worked on...

...Between evolving technology and a challenging economy many things have changed in my field. To stay on top of everything, I have redesigned how I work to better help my clients. Every sole practitioner has time limitations, I no longer do! With two new developments, a digital partner and a site I created and manage called Presenting Architecture I can virtually do anything or arrange to get it done. IDF Global is my new digital partner. With over 300 people, a huge server farm (over 2000 computers linked together) IDF can produce anything digital from still images through high definition computer animations. All work with IDF Global gives you my direct contact, experience and oversight. You can view this work on my web site or I can arrange an in person meeting where we can discuss an upcoming project. Make sure you do not miss the animations, they are amazing!

Oct 2 '12